Information about this series …
Numeracy Skills on C.D. is a semi-interactive PDF file designed to assist pupils at all levels to develop and / or maintain the basic numeracy facts and you can now download it immediately or request a C.D.
While the e-file is not interactive and students are required to write their answers on paper, it does provide a comprehensive bank of questions, plus answers so that student can self manage their work.
The numeracy facts covered include ….
- adding number sums to 10, & 11 to 18,
- adding 1, 2 or 3 digit numbers without carrying,
- adding 1, 2 or 3 digit numbers involving carrying,
- subtracting 1 digit numbers,
- subtracting 1 digit numbers from numbers up to 18,
- subtracting 1 or 2 digit numbers without renaming,
- subtracting 1 or 2 digit numbers involving renaming,
- all multiplication facts from 2x up to 10x,
- all division facts from ÷2 up to ÷10
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